As the voice of the soybean industry, Soy Canada encourages governments at home and abroad to adopt public policies supporting the success of the entire soybean supply chain.
One of our main concerns is market access. We work in cooperation with the Canadian government to remove trade obstacles, including both tariff and non-tariff barriers. Through trade visits, we actively reach out to export customers to build more open and harmonious trade relationships.
Within Canada, we promote greater understanding of our industry and its importance to ensure our own government considers the impact of policies. Our goal is to ensure a seat at the table for soybeans whenever decisions affecting our industry are made.
Soy Canada supports an open, unencumbered, supportive business environment for all stakeholders. Soy Canada supports government policies and regulation which recognize and encourage leadership from the commodity value chain and facilities business growth. Soy Canada supports provincial, federal and international legislation, policy and regulation based on science
Access to Crop Protection Technology & Plant Breeding Innovation
Soy Canada supports the introduction of innovative, crop technology such as plant breeding innovation and crop protection products in parallel with market acceptance. Soy Canada believes regulatory decisions surrounding access to crop protection technology must be grounded in sound science and account for the most recent data and information.
Commercialization of new Genetically Modified (GM) and Gene-edited (GE) Products
Soy Canada believes that new GM and GE soybean seeds must take into consideration key soybean export markets before they are commercialized for production in Canada. All varieties developed using gene editing and commercialized in Canada must be included in the Canadian Variety Transparency Database upon commercialization.
International Synchronization of GM and GE Approvals
Soy Canada supports timely synchronization of GM & GE event approvals and harmonized science-based approval procedures in export markets. Soy Canada respects the policies and regulations of GM & GE approvals in importing nations based on sound science and respect for international laws, treaties and conventions.
Low-Level Presence (LLP)
Soy Canada supports the Government of Canada LLP draft policy framework for adoption by key soybean trading nations. Soy Canada believes that Government of Canada should refrain from implementing a domestic LLP policy until there is sufficient agreement among key grain trading nations to collectively commit to an LLP policy.
Variety Registration
Soy Canada supports a variety registration system in Canada which acknowledges and encourages leadership from commodity value chains. Soy Canada is the value chain voice of record for soybeans in Canada.
Canadian Identity Preserved Recognition System (CIPRS)
Soy Canada supports the Canadian Grain Commission’s (CGC) accredited CIPRS program. Soy Canada strongly encourages the long-term maintenance of CIPRS and continuous improvement by the CGC.
International Trade
Soy Canada supports and encourages open, equitable, transparent and predictable domestic and international trade environments. Soy Canada supports the reduction and elimination of tariffs and the elimination of tariff escalation in international trade. The development and implementation of trade policy must aim to ensure the export of Canadian soybeans and soy products are competitive against other soybean exporting nations and other competing oilseeds.
Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
Soy Canada supports the establishment and adherence to domestic and international science-based MRLs related to pesticides in the export of soybeans and soy products. Soy Canada supports the utilization of harmonized MRLs in import markets, joint reviews of pesticide products, and mutual recognition of MRLs between regulatory bodies. In cases where Canada or export nations are missing or have misaligned MRLs, Soy Canada supports:
Soy Canada supports the concept of a market acceptance policy for pesticide use used to identify markets of interest, pesticides and generate risk assessments used to produce grower advisories and recommendations.
Annual Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) Soybean Harvest Survey
Soy Canada supports the participation of soybean value chain members in the annual CGC harvest survey for soybeans and the collection of regional and national soybean samples for physical and composition analysis.
Clean Fuel Standard
Soy Canada believes that soy-based biofuels must be recognized and promoted in the development of any government or industry clean fuel standard. Soy Canada supports further development and use of Canadian soy-based biofuels in Canada and other markets. Sustainability criteria for Canadian biofuel regulations should apply on an aggregate basis to Canadian producers and reflect the longstanding and positive impact producers have on land-use and biodiversity.
Soy Canada recognizes the importance of Canada’s natural capital and is committed to being recognized internationally as a global leader in sustainable production of high-quality soybeans. Soy Canada supports cost-effective, unencumbering and value-chain friendly efforts towards improving the natural environment that supports our industry. For example, Sustainable Canadian Soy is available for customers needing verified sustainable supply.
Domestic Processing
Soy Canada firmly endorses initiatives aimed at enhancing domestic processing capabilities within Canada, aligning with the growth in Canadian soybean production.
Grain Transportation
Soy Canada supports competitive, efficient, and reliable grain transportation systems across Canada.