Board of Directors
Soy Canada is governed by a board of directors made up of representatives from across the country and the value chain.
From left to right: Ernie Sirski, Jeff Loessin, Ramzy Yelda, Jason McNaughton, Winston van Staveren, Michelle Wall, Crosby Devitt, Scott Persall, Mark Jorgensen,
Absent: Melvin Rattai, Jeff Stonehouse, Andrea Faubert, Dale Heide
- Chair – Jason McNaughton (representing food-grade exporters)
- Vice-Chair – Melvin Rattai, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers (Director at Large)
- Treasurer-Secretary – Michelle Wall (Director at Large)
- Andrea Faubert (representing seed companies)
- Crosby Devitt, Grain Farmers of Ontario (Director at Large)
- Dale Heide (representing processors)
- Ernie Sirski, Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers
- Garth Baxter (Director at Large)
- Jeff Barlow, Grain Farmers of Ontario
- Jeff Stonehouse (representing commodity exporters)
- Ramzy Yelda, Producteurs de grains du Québec
- Winston van Staveren, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers