
Soy Canada issues letter on concerns over ongoing Port of Montreal negotiations

Posted on: March 26, 2021

Soy Canada has issued a letter that was addressed to the Minister of Labour in which the Chair of Soy Canada expresses the concerns of the Canadian soybean sector pertaining to the repercussions of the indefinite and injurious labour disputes that are continuing at the Port of Montreal.

Individual copies were forwarded to the Prime Minister, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Minister of Finance, Minister of International Trade and Minister of Transportation as well as the House of Commons Committees on Agriculture and Agri-Food and Transport, Infrastructure and Communities.

Soy Canada and other industry associations remain concerned about the possibility of a resumption of a labour dispute if negotiations should fail. For more information on industry response, please see

Soy Canada is the national organization that speaks on behalf of the soybean value chain. Members include: seed developers; producer organizations representing some 31,000 soybean growers in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; soybean processors; exporters of processing and identity preserved soybeans; and affiliated industries and institutions. The soybean value chain contributes $7 billion annually to Canada’s Gross Domestic Product.

Please access the letter, here.

For additional information contact:

Ernie Sirski

Chair, Board of Directors, Soy Canada


Ron Davidson

Executive Director, Soy Canada
